Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

Saturday July 21, 2012 (tomorrow!) Somerville ArtBeat Fest!

Hey! Come visit me and all the other great artists at the Somerville ArtBeat Fest in Davis Square going on from 11-5ish! I'll be representing the fine art of caricatures there :-)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hot, Loud, and FAST!

This past weekend I had a great time drawing caricatures for the fine fans of NASCAR at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway! I really couldn't have asked for a more polite crowd. And I was also very happy that caricatures weren't regarded as just "kid's stuff", all age groups were game to get their faces wrecked! I mean, faces drawn. Oops. I was pretty busy most of the time, but I managed to take a few pictures:

 These are some pictures my lovely assistant Linsey was able to take:

After I was done on Sunday, I got to see some of the race!

And of course, there was some pretty thick traffic on the way home, and usually I'm not a fan of being stuck behind a Mac truck.....but since he was carrying Tony Stewart's car I'll make an exception